This peak, which lies due south of the Tesi Lapcha, is unnamed on the Schneider Rolwaling Himal map, but is given a spot height of 6,273 metres (20,581ft).Parchamo is an attractive Peak that fascinates every trekker passing through.
The Parchamo Peak is also known as Parchemuche, which lies due south of the Tesi Lapcha, is unnamed on the Schneider Rolwaling Himal map, but is given a spot height of 6,273 metres.Seen from the pass the mountain is an attractive but straightforward snow peak with a well defined north by north west ridge rising from the relatively flat, crevassed glacier astride the Tesi Lapcha. To the west of the ridge the face forms a uniform snow slope broken by crevasses and small seracs rising from the rocky lower buttresses above the Drolambau Glacier.Parchamo peak has become a derigueur climb for trekkers crossing the high Tasi Lapcha (5,755m/18,875ft) to Namche.