Nepal Earthquake: Sindhupalchok

Posted in: 2nd May, 2015 Post Category: Blog of Nepal

Sindhupalchok is one of the worst-affected districts as a result of the earthquake that took place on the 25th April. While the initial epicentre of the earthquake was in Gorkha district, the highest magnitude (6.7) aftershock took place in Sindupolchok district 17km south of Kadari . As of 7 May, 3057 people were dead and 860 are injured. 3000 people remain unaccounted for. Many VDCs have still not been reached due to remoteness and accessibility both in terms of roads and telecommunications.

According to district authorities 63,885 houses are severely and 2,751 houses are moderately damaged. Based on government reporting on damaged houses as of 6th May an estimated 109,000 people (Ministry of Home Affairs 7th May) are affected (40% of district population as per the 2011 Census). Around 90,000 people have been identified as in need of assistance based on reporting at the VDC level. This figure is however unconfirmed and represents merely a preliminary estimate based on a combination of reports from a range of sources providing information on needs at the VDC level1.

A man rides a motorcycle on a cracked road in Sindhupalchok, northeast Nepal, April 29, 2015. The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Nepal climbed to 5,844, said the country’s Ministry of Home affairs in its latest update on Thursday.

Sindhulpalchok can be roughly divided into two areas; mountains (with elevations of above 3,500 meters) and the more density populated hilly areas. At the time of writing aid has arrived in areas in the south east which have unobstructed access from Kathmandu. Buildings in these areas are less damaged than in other parts of the district. In the belt to the north of this well accessible area including Chautara, the district capital, damages are greater. In these areas there is higher population density and major landslides have blocked roads. Chautara municipality experienced a great amount of destruction, while much of its surrounding settlements have reportedly been flattened.

The population of the Mankha VDC, west of Bahrabise, is reportedly still recovering from the impact of a landslide and subsequent flood that occurred in August 2014 at Jure village. The Sunkoshi River was blocked, creating a high dam that affected lives and livelihoods both upstream and downstream from Jure.

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